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Plagiarism’s Double Standards

The Left protects its plagiarists.

“Jonathan Bailey, a plagiarism expert and consultant who reviewed the complaint when portions of it were published in August by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative online journal, said that while one or two of the passages cited in the complaint were “problematic,” the majority of them weren’t similar enough to substantiate claims of plagiarism.
“It looks to me more like sloppy writing than it did a clinical, deliberate attempt to plagiarize,” he said.” #RobinDiAngelo #plagiarism

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The more things change, the more they remain the same

Greetings! What do you glean from Isaiah 5: 20-23? It’s about the woes.

A word of encouragement

Greetings 👋 Here’s some encouragement from Matthew 5, for fellow believers undergoing trials.

Enjoy my reading of Psalm 37: 1-7 (NLT).
Here's a word for today!
Here's a word for today!
The Jewish New Year

Enjoy this sound and bit of information sent to me about the significance of today. #JewishNewYear

“Today is the Jewish New Year 5785 symbolizing doors and windows. This is a kairos moment to expect suddenlies. A God ordained moment in time.
The word “time” in Ephesians 5:16 refers to kairos time and not chronos. Thus, 5785 is an important Kairos year in God’s timeline, and it will dictate the next several years! Conversely, the enemy seeks to manipulate this Kairos year to work in his favor. I believe that 5785 will dictate the trajectory of what happens economically, politically, socially, physically, etc. This isn’t a year that you dismiss as ‘yet another year’…nope… it’s THE year!” Brandy Gibson @SheLeads

He Knows

God selects world leaders to accomplish his purposes. Sometimes God judges nations through the leaders He allows to rise to power. He is NEVER caught by surprise. He knows America’s future and everything that will take place between now and November 5th.

“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.

He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.

He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.” Daniel 2: 20-22 (NIV). #DonaldJTrump #KamalaHarris #BarackObama #America #Christian #prayer

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We need to stop monkeying around with the weather.

Congress should criminalize and end cloud seeding and the work of companies like #HAARP that are experimenting with the weather. It should go along with immunity for pharmaceutical companies. These should be first steps in bringing order out of chaos. #cloudseeding #Congress #GOP

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